Monday, October 15, 2007

Rotary around the World highlights Vocational Service Month - Week of October 15, 2007


Rotary International reports that teenaged students in a troubled neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, are being given a chance at a promising future. Teenagers are learning to bake bread with the idea of preparing them for the job market as they pursue their regular studies.

Three Rotary Clubs from Rio de Janeiro joined forced with clubs in Germany and India to put together this exciting program. Together, they were able to gather club and Rotary District funding of US $33,000 with which they purchased industrial baking equipment, including an oven, a kneading machine, and a mixer to set up shop just a few doors away from the school.

Brazilian Rotarians have been partnering for the past decade with clubs from Germany and elsewhere on a series of 17 Matching Grant projects to help young people from the community, which struggles with unemployment, drugs, and prostitution. Projects have included providing nutritious lunches and offering shop and graphic arts courses.

“Today, more than 5,000 children are safe, off the streets, and have a future because Rotarians care,” said Past District 4570 Governor Adélia Villas, a longtime Rotarian volunteer at the site.

In May, students baked their first product: French rolls. “I am really happy,” said 16-year-old Nayara Araújo de Oliveira. “I never thought the bread would turn out so tasty. Now this is my favorite class. I like being able to see the results of our work so fast.”

Noting how the students shared their first bread with the kindergarten children, District Governor Villas, said: “Here you can feel the love that exists in this school. You see how different this school is from others.”

Through Rotary, a better world is possible.

For more information about Rotary, check the website or speak to any local Rotarian. The Rotary Club of Anguilla meets every Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. upstairs at the English Rose. You too can be part of this exceptional organization.

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