Monday, December 3, 2007

The Magic of Rotary - November 26, 2007

The magic of Rotary

District Governor for Rotary District 7020, Richard McCombe, from Nassau, will be in Anguilla to visit the Rotary Club of Anguilla on December 6, 2007. This club visit will be just one of many he has made during his year as District Governor.

DG Richard writes the following:

The theme for this year, “Rotary Shares”, best describes the special common thread that binds us as Rotarians – the personal commitment to share our time, our talents, our treasure and our empathy, as we provide “Service above self” to the communities of the world. Our compassion and our ability to open our hearts to those in need, combined with our commitment to share our time, talent, and treasures for those who are less fortunate, is also what makes Rotary so magical.

-- Like the magic you see in the eyes of a person receiving their first wheelchair and for the first time they can get around on their own

-- Like the magic of the smile of a child when you give them their first book

-- Like the magic of happy faces when you bring a water well to a community.

This is the Magic that causes ordinary Rotarians such as ourselves to do the extraordinary things we do. Rotary’s magical contribution to the needy in the world begins with every Rotarian’s desire to help others. Without the individual Rotarians in the clubs throughout the world, Rotary would not exist. The needy would suffer even more than they do today.

Be proud of the accomplishments Rotary has achieved in the world. But more than anything, be proud of the part Rotarians have played in making the world a better place.

As Group Study Exchange member, William Simkins, said so well at our District Conference a few months ago, “Everything we do is History in the making. Let History and our Legacy show that as Rotarians we do not give what we can spare or what we have that is extra, but that we give of ourselves in our passion to make the world a better place.”

To continue to do the good in the world, we must continue to grow Rotary. Share Rotary with others and share our accomplishments. Find like-minded individuals from our Family of Rotary and bring them into our organization in whatever way best suits them. Our combined efforts and growth will help us to continue to do the good in the world that we are known for.

Come Share the Magic of Rotary.

For more information about Rotary, check the local website or speak to any local Rotarian. The Rotary Club of Anguilla meets every Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. upstairs at the English Rose.

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