Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fellowships - Another reason to join Rotary

Another reason to join Rotary – Fellowships!

The Rotary Club is the world’s first service club, formed in 1905 in Chicago by Paul Harris. Since that time, Rotary has grown to include 1.2 million members and clubs in more than 200 countries around the world.

The Rotary Club offers members many benefits in addition to the opportunity to serve their communities. Rotary Fellowships is one of those benefits, and yet Rotary Fellowships seem to be one of the best kept Rotary secrets.

A ROTARY FELLOWSHIP is a group of Rotarians who unite themselves separately from Rotary International to pursue a specific worthwhile activity which advances the Object of Rotary. Fellowships are formed around interests or hobbies, so Rotarians with those similar interests can get together to promote Rotary at the same time as enjoying their personal interests.

A Fellowship includes Rotarians in at least three countries. Rotarians from all over the world share their passions and do the good works of Rotary through those avenues.

Some Fellowships that may interest Anguillians are the following international fellowships:

--Cricket-Loving Rotarians
--Dog-Owning Rotarians
--Fishing Rotarians
--Home Exchange Rotarians
--Rotarian Lawyers
--Rotarian Physicians
--Yachting Fellowship of Rotarians
--Wine Appreciation Fellowship

For more information about Rotary, check the website or speak to any local Rotarian. The Rotary Club of Anguilla meets every Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. upstairs at the English Rose.

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